Essential Oils 101

I have yet to find a good article that simply answers the question “What are essential oils?”. Well I am here to solve that problem. Or at least try to. I have put together an essential oils 101 for people just beginning to learn about essential oils. My goal is to provide enough information you will have an idea if you would like to look into them further but won’t overwhelmed with information or confused.

What is an Essential Oil?
The simple definition is, a natural oil typically obtained by distillation and having the characteristic fragrance of the plant or other source from which it is extracted. Now you do need to take notice that some companies have more “pure” essential oils than others. Some companies will distill their plants more than one time, will add other chemicals or artificial aromas, or contain water. If you choose to use essential oils for something other than a fragrance in your home or car I strongly suggest picking a company that does not do that.

What are essential oils used for?
In a word…. Everything. Seriously. With a high quality therapeutic essential oil like Young Living you can use them for everything from scrapes and burns, to colds and viruses, to making your house smell heavenly. If you would like to see personal testimonies on what essential oils can be used for check out this page.

How do you use essential oils?
There are a few different ways you can use them. The most common ways are applying them to the skin, inhaling them either out of the bottle or with a diffuser, or taking them internally. All three of these ways can be broken apart in much more depth but this is a 101 so, if you have any more questions feel free to email me here

How much does it take?
With high quality oil 1-3 drops at a time is plenty. Young Living only distills their plants ONE time and there is nothing in the bottles but the oil itself. Even water from the distillation process is frozen off before it is bottled. There is no need to use more than 1-3 drops of their oil when applying to the skin and you can even mix it with carrier oil. When diffusing ,you can use 8-10 drops.

How much do they cost?
Once again this also depends on the brand. Just remember you get what you pay for. For first distillation, therapeutic grade essential oils that you only have to use 1-3 drops you are going to pay a little more but they last forever and they work! You can also become a wholesale member through young living and get wholesale pricing so you don’t have to pay retail. If you would like to know more about young living oils feel free to email me or check out their website. If you would like to sign up as a retail or wholesale member you can go here. Feel  free to use my Sponsor ID and Enroller ID 1720948


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