Good Intentions

I decided to make a less personal blog based on my experiences as a stay at home mom.  I love reading blogs to help me in my day to day life.  My intentions for this blog, is for other moms like me to be able to enjoy reading, and maybe take some tips from my blog. What kind of mom am I? I am a mommy on a tight budget that wants to bring new life to her home. I am a mommy who loves to cook and feed her family healthy meals but, doesn’t have the time to make a four course meal every night. As much as I would love to buy all organic all local foods, my small town does not provide means for me to do that, not that I could afford it if my town did. We do our best to pick the healthiest foods possible. I am a mom who believes in attachment parenting. I breastfeed, wear my baby, co sleep, and follow my baby's cues. If you have other parenting styles, great! I don't ever want anyone to feel that I think my way is the only or best way. I won't judge you if you don't judge me. Most importantly I am a mommy, plain and simple. I love spending time with my precious baby boys, and do my best to soak in as much of this innocent time in his life as I possibly can.


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