3 Ways to build your relationship with Christ! Whether it's new or old :)

I recently have grown to understand the meaning of true JOY. To me, this is an overwhelming feeling of love and happiness that ONLY God can provide.

Just to give you a little back story. When I was little I grew up in your typical southern baptist church, went to Sunday school, grandpa was a deacon, the whole nine yards. I was saved around the age of 9 but after that my life got hectic. My home life wasn't healthy, my mom passed from cancer, and my teenage years were rough to say the least. After having kids I started attending church again but only went to Sunday sermons, and didn't go every Sunday. I didn't go for Him either. I went for me. I was trying to be a christian but not living for Christ. So long story short when my husband got his new job in Tennessee we saw it as a blessing from God and vowed to become stronger followers of Him. And this is how we are doing it...


In my opinion, there is no better way to build your relationship with God than talking to him. I always said my prayers at bedtime but it was routine, or habitual. There are many times that I would say the exact same prayer every night for months.. probably even years now that I think about it. I pray all the time now! When I'm anxious or needing guidance, when I'm grateful and giving praise, when I mess up and need to repent, and everything in between. Whether you are new to Christianity or have been a Christian for years, your prayer time can probably be increased.

Find your niche

I really believe that everyone has different things that bring them closer to God. For my husband it is listening to sermons. He likes the deep "fire and brimstone" type sermons. I on the other hand, do not respond well to those types of sermons. And you know what? That is totally okay. For me, I learn and grow with God the most through music. Since moving here I have listened to more Christian music than the rest of my lifetime combined. I listen to the words, dance to the beat with my kids, and truly sing his praises. There are daily devotions, study bibles, and so many more different resources to bring you closer to Christ. Just like everyone learns differently in school, everyone learns differently with Christ. And that is okay :)

Find a church, BE THE CHURCH

I went to church the majority of my life. Even after having kids I went to make myself feel better, feel like a better mom, or better wife, I don't really know why I went now that I look back. I didn't go for HIM, I wasn't active, I went most Sundays, but wasn't eager to go, I wasn't ACTIVE in the church till I moved to Tennessee. In Colossians 3:23-24 the bible says whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward. You are serving the Lord Christ. Make sure you are going to the church He wants your family to be a part of. Make sure it's one you feel comfortable in and provides multiple ways for you to get involved. Go to Sunday school. Make Christian friends. And most importantly do it for HIM! Try different churches, pray about it, discuss it with your spouse and children. You will know when you find the church you are meant to be with.

I hope this helps you on your journey with Christ. I still have much room to grow and can't wait for the future!


  1. God and I are working on rebuilding our relationship... thanks for the post.

  2. I'm losing my mind. Did me other comment come thru? If jot I'll repeat - thank God for Christian friends!


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