Happy New Year!


Can you believe it is 2015 already?! Where has the time gone? My youngest will be 1 year old in eight days and I am still in denial about it. This year has brought my family lots of changes. We had a baby, moved across the country, I quit my part time job, and my husband started a new career. It has been hectic to say the least but I am excited to see how God will bless us in 2015.
It seems like everyone is talking about new year's resolutions right now and I wanted to do a blog post on how Young Living Essential Oils can help. Some of the most common goals I have heard are to loose weight, eat healthier, quit smoking, reduce stress, sleep more, increase activity, drink more water, and obtain financial freedom. I can't wait to tell you guys how young living can help you reach and maintain any or all of these resolutions this year! Let's get started.

Lose Weight

Let us start with what I think is one of the most popular new year's resolutions, weight loss. Did you know that Young Living has a whole line of products to assist people in weight management? It is a line of products that contains an oil, gum, slim caps, tea, and nutrition bars. This line of products is called Slique and Young Living is so confident that Slique can help people develop better eating habits and more effectively manage their weight, that if you try any Slique product kit for 60 consecutive days, they PROMISE that you will see a change for the better! If you are not satisfied, they will give you a product credit equal to the amount of your purchase. Go here to check out the Slique in 60 pledge! 

Eat Healthier

Another goal I have found to be common is to eat healthier or make sure you are getting your daily servings of fruits and vegetables. Young Living has a line of liquid wellness products called NingXia Red and it is a powerful antioxidant super-juice that can optimize wellness from head to toe! You can read all about this AMAZING drink here but let me tell you a little bit about it. One of the main ingredients in this drink is wolfberries. NingXia Wolfberries have been cherished for centuries for its health, energy, and longevity benefits. Along with the wolf berries young living uses essential oils from fruits instead of juice so you get a more "pure' product without the extra sugar some other drinks might contain! Did I mention it taste great too? If you want to know more about NingXia Red and how it might be able to help you feel free to email me. I would love to go more in depth with you about this wonderful product.

Quit Smoking

Quitting smoking is NOT easy! I have been there done that and I still fight the urge for a cigarette sometimes. What I love about young living products to reduce the urge to smoke is I'm not spending money for a product that will only help with that. Theives is used in my house almost daily this time of year for immune health and can also be used to fight the urge to smoke. Black pepper is a very underrated oil I think. It has been said to help people relieve everything from an itchy back to sore muscles and can also assist with fighting the urge to smoke. It is also not an expensive oil. If you would like to purchase it you can go here. Sign up as a wholesale member and you can get it even cheaper. Feel free to use my member ID and sponsor ID both of which are 1720948. Clove (an ingredient in thieves) can also be used to help quit smoking.

Reduce Stress

I absolutely LOVE the oil stress away! I have two rambunctious boys (three if you include my husband), live off one income, keep moving across the country, etc. Stress away is one of my best friends. I love the smell of it and it really helps my anxiety in high stress situations. There is an oil and a roll on you can choose from and it also comes in the premium starter kit. You can diffuse it, inhale directly from the bottle, apply to the back of the neck or your wrists (my favorite), or put a couple drops into your water. 

Sleep More/Better

I know it is not always possible to sleep more. You could work too many hours, have kids that keep you up all night, or just have trouble sleeping. Young Living can help you fall asleep faster and sleep better with a variety of oils. RutaVala, Peace & Calming, Lavender, and Cedarwood can all be used to help you sleep better. You can diffuse these in your room at night, apply them to your pillow, or put a couple drops in your water before falling asleep. We also love using it for baby massage before bed time. Helps your little one sleep and a great bonding experience. Give it a try you will be surprised at how much better you or your kids sleep! Also like most of Young Living's oils these oils can also help with other things as well. Check out other people's testimonies here. You can register for free and preform basic searches like cedarwood or insomnia and see testimonies from people all over the world. 

Be More Active 

This is one that drinking more water with citrus oils and eating healthier with NingXia Red will help with but if you want something else to increase your energy try peppermint oil or En-R-Gee. I love peppermint. It is definitely a staple in our house and my husband constantly has a bottle in his pocket. I haven't tried En-R-Gee yet but I have heard great things about it. Young Living's website also state that En-R-Geeā„¢ revitalizes with a blend of stimulating oils that have been used traditionally to help restore mental alertness. Uplifting and strengthening as the name suggests, it boosts energy.

Drink More Water

Who doesn't need to drink more water? This is one I really struggle with considering I HATE the taste of water and some flavored waters and flavor packets include extra sugar which I don't want to intake. Essential oils have really helped me with my water intake a couple drops of citrus oil in my water and it taste much better without any extra chemicals or sugar. Lemon is my favorite but any citrus oil (like orange or grapefruit) will give you a refreshing taste while gently detoxing your system.


Last but definitely not least let's talk about the financial freedom young living can give you. When you become a wholesale member you do not HAVE to share essential oils for extra income but you can. You don't have to keep oils in stock or "sell" them. When people sign up using your member ID and place orders you can earn a commission off of that. If you would like to know more about starting a business with young living, supplementing your income, or simply earning enough to get the oils you consume for free email me or sign up at young living's website with my member id and sponsor id 1720948

*These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not meant to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Please consult your physician before trying any new products*


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