Detoxing After Excess Eating

With the holidays around I thought now would be a good time to make a post on how to get our bodies out of the haze we can accumulate after eating and drinking more than normal. I mean really who continues to eat healthy and exercise this time of year? Or when on vacation? Or other holidays? Well, maybe I don't eat right and exercise as much as I should, as you can tell. I'm going to have to start working on that... after the holidays ;) Until then, I thought I would give you some tips on how to spring back from overindulging.

First off, you need to drink LOTS of water! This is very hard for me since I hate water. I grew up in the south, we pretty much fuel off sweet tea. And the recommended 8 glasses a day... yeah right. But seriously, if your anything like me you really should drink more water. The only way I can choke down more than a glass or two a day is to add Young Living's Lemon, Grapefruit, or Orange oil to it. These oils also give your body a gentle detox just by ingesting them. You will be amazed at how much healthier you feel just by adding a few more glasses of water a day.

Focus on eating more fruits and vegetables in between holiday meals. This does NOT mean leftover green bean casserole ;) Try adding raw or lightly sauteed fruits and vegetables to every meal and snacks. You don't have to make it the main dish in your meal. Just by adding more than you normally eat, or eliminating some of the fats you normally add to your vegetables (who knew adding bacon grease to your green beans wasn't healthy) will help your body spring back much faster. You will feel much better if you eat the suggested amount of fruits and vegetables daily. is a great resource for figuring out how much you should be eating daily. This site even has charts for different age groups and genders.

The last thing I want to focus on is using essential oils to detox. We all know how much I love Young Living oils and use them for everything. Here are some that help with detoxing. Like I mentioned earlier you can add lemon, orange, or grapefruit to your water to provide a gentle detox to your body all day long. Their line of Slique products can also help curb your appetite so you don't overindulge too much. There is an oil, gum, tea, and capsules to choose from. I really should have used that last night when I ate two plate fulls of baked spaghetti, oops. Another great oil for digestive concerns and to help support a healthy digestive system is Di-Gize. You can apply it topically to your stomach or dilute 1 drop in 4 oz. of water. NingXia Red is also wonderful antioxidant packed drink for a healthy digestive system and immune support! It is also great to drink the next morning if you still have some leftover effects from your drinks the night before ;) Frankincense over your liver is a wonderful detox as well. There are oils out there for anything and everything and for every budget if you want to know more about them you can always email me or go to Young Living's website. Feel free to use my member id and sponsor ID to sign up if you like 1720948.

I hope you all enjoy the food, drinks, and company that come along with the holiday season without too many after effects. Feel free to comment with any questions I would love to hear from you!


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